Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Q5: How are the non-government organizations seeking JFGE grants given the necessary information?

A: The JFGE grants are awarded each fiscal year.

When applications for the grant from interested non-government organizations start to be accepted, the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency publishes the Guidelines for JFGE Grant Application that contains information on requirements for eligible organizations and projects, application submission periods, and necessary documents to be submitted for application. The acceptance of applications is announced widely to interested non-government organizations on the JFGE website, to the news services, and advertised in newspapers and magazines.

In addition, when the grant recipients for the fiscal year are decided, the list of recipients is released to the news agencies and officially published and distributed on the JFGE website, newsletters, and other publications.

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  • NGO・NPO団体情報
  • 集まれ!Green Friends 子供のための環境学習情報サイト
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