Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Q23: How is application made for the JFGE Grant?

A: The following procedures should be followed.

  1. Organizations wishing to apply for the JFGE Grant must submit the "Grant Application Form" (Article 4 JFGE Grant Policies and Procedures) during the fixed time period for that fiscal year (beginning of January to middle of February) to the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency.
  2. The Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency shall conduct a review and hearing on the contents of the grant applications. An informal decision on Grant recipients and Grant amounts will be made based on the opinion of the JFGE Management Council. The selected organization will be sent a notification of informal approval for JFGE Grant. (End of May)
  3. If the selected organization decides to accept the contents of the informal approval, the organization must prepare the Letter of Consent for JFGE Grant (Article 6 JFGE Grant Policies and Procedures) based on the informally approved amount and send it to the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency within a month.
  4. The Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency, upon receipt of the Letter, will examine the contents of the Letter and then send a Notification of JFGE Grant Approval to the approved organization. (End of June)
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