Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page


Examples of Granted Projects

Seeking to Build a Clean and Green Community -Sri Lanka-

OISCA President, Yoshiko Nakano

Clean and Green Project

OISCA has been undertaking greening projects in Sri Lanka since 1980. After twenty years of continual community-based activities, which include environmental seminars and tree planting, today we can observe, across the country, enhanced public awareness towards forest building and forests marking the success of these activities. Furthermore, a request from the local community for more proactive cooperation in environmental conservation activities has resulted in the launching of a new project called the "Southern Sri Lanka Recycling Promotion Project". Locally known as the "Green and Clean Project," the project, as suggested by its name, seeks to build a clean society characterized by lush greenery.

Waste Separation

Distribution of waste separation cans at an environmental seminar

In Sri Lanka, it is nothing out of the ordinary to throw garbage in the streets or vacant lots, and thus as matters stand, resources including bottles and cans are being thrown away along with raw and paper waste. G iven these circumstances, we have hosted environmental seminars for children and the w ide public to educate them about recycling and waste separation. We have also set up trash cans designed for waste separation in public areas such as schools, temples and parks so that participants can put their learning into practice in their daily lives. These trash cans are classified by color, so that combustible, raw and non-combustible waste can be separately disposed of. With the understanding that much time is required for this campaign to take root, we seek to reduce litter in the streets through repeated instruction in seminars.

Children Inspire Adults

Setting up waste separation cans on festival ground

Recently, we have begun to see constructive activities initiated by seminar participants. Junior and sen ior high school students have been taking the lead in calling for no littering on festival grounds and in tourist sites. Our twenty years of project activities have given us confidence that "children are the adults' very inspirat ion". We hope that this kind of campaigning by children will spread and work to change the attitude of adults.


3-6-12 Izumi, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 168-0063
TEL: +81-3-3322-5161
FAX: +81-3-3324-7111
URL: http://oisca.org/j/index.html

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  • 集まれ!Green Friends 子供のための環境学習情報サイト
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