Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Nanohana Project Network

Examples of Granted Projects

Come On, Nanohana Network! -JAPAN-

Nanohana Project Network Kieko Nakamura

A Recycling Cycle Utilizing Rape Blossoms

A rape blossom field near Summit setting

In Shiga Prefecture, the 1977 breakout of red tide in Lake Biwa (inflicted by eutrophication) caused the "Soap Movement" to flourish, but once the number of users dropped, heaps of used cooking oil, from which the soap was made, were left standing. Change was brought with the encounter with the Germany's "Rape Seed Oil Program," which inspired us to utilize rape blossoms in a "program in which resources are circulated within the community."

Plants for making fuel from used cooking oil (two types, by appearance)

The outline of the project is as follows:

  1. 1) Rape blossoms are planted in crop-rotating rice fields.
  2. 2) Cooking oil is manufactured from harvested rape blossoms.
  3. 3) Used oil is collected for use as an ingredient for soap or fuel for fishing boats, farm tractors, automobiles, etc.
  4. 4) The oil cakes are utilized as fertilizer or feed.
  5. 5) The excrement from livestock is utilized as manure.

The program encompasses many issues yet to be studied, but has attracted much attention as a concrete approach bringing the community a step closer to a recycling-oriented society (recycling cycle). Furthermore, a CO2 reduction effect is expected of the project.

The understanding, participation and cooperation of a mass of people are essential in building a recycling-based society. The wisdom and experience of the community's elderly and the cooperation of housewives in oil collection compose the "pivot" of this experiment. Each individual taking part in the project is a leader in fostering a "closed circle".

The "Nanohana Summit": Held with the Blessing of Honeybees and Butterflies

In April 28, this year, the "Nanohana Summit" was held in Shinasahicho, Shiga Prefecture. The venue was a homely hall of a small town, but welcoming many people from across the country assembling along with honeybees and butterflies, it turned out to be a lively meeting. Participants arrived from Kagoshima, Hiroshima and Yamanashi Prefectures and thus, presentations from each region were characterized by dialect and were full of zeal and laughter. Yokohamacho, Aomori Prefecture has volunteered to host next year's summit.

This was the bright dawn of the "Nanohana Project Network."

We seek to spread our rape blossom-oriented project for "a bright and happy recycling cycle" across the country.


Nanohana Project Network
Address:1273-5 Kamitoyoura, Azuchicho, Gamou-gun, Shiga Pref.
Shiga Prefecture Environment and Consumer Cooperative

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