Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Q2: If rules, organizational structure, and capacity to execute were strictly enforced as requirements for grant eligibility of NGOs, wouldn't only the larger organizations be selected as recipients?

A: The Grants Program of the JFGE must research the ability of the organization to implement the projects before a decision is made on the recipients, because the grants are funded by both government and private donations.

Based on these ideas, due consideration will be given to the rules, organizational structure, and capacity of non-government organizations applying for a grant. On the other hand, because the objective of the Grants Program is to promote positive activity by all non-government organizations, there are no upper or lower limits set regarding budget scale for these organizations.

Therefore, even organizations with small budgets will be eligible if their activities are grassroots-level environmental cooperation activities, if their activities are meaningful from a global environmental conservation standpoint, and if it is decided that the organization has the capacity to implement the project.

For the review and selection process after fiscal 2002, in a case where balance of payment records up to the previous fiscal year show that the organization is receiving a subsidiary from the national government in an amount exceeding the Grant amount for a project similar or closely related to the project for which the JFGE Grant is being sought, or that the organization derives donation income far greater than the amount provided by the Grant, the organization's need for financial assistance from the JFGE is considered small. Also, if an organization has a balance brought forward far greater than the amount of grant, its need for the grant is considered small.

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  • NGO・NPO団体情報
  • 集まれ!Green Friends 子供のための環境学習情報サイト
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