Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Q19: How much will be awarded to Granted projects?

A: The amount for Grants will cover necessary project expenses but the JFGE must subsidize as many projects as possible within its limited budget. Furthermore, it is better if NGOs can capitalize their own funding to maintain independence.

The result is that in many cases the Granted organization will not receive full funding from the Grant for the project but will receive an appropriate amount after considering the anticipated capital of the organization and the overall financial situation of the Fund.

Beginning in fiscal 2002, based on the expansion of the scope and area of activities that have received grants, average Grant amounts will be set at 4 million yen for projects in Japan and 6 million yen for projects in developing regions. Because it is assumed that local projects in Japan will receive public or private grants from local organizations, the lower limit for the Grant is set at 1 million yen.

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  • NGO・NPO団体情報
  • 集まれ!Green Friends 子供のための環境学習情報サイト
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