Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Q21: Is it possible to receive both the JFGE Grant and other grants?

A: The following are existing support systems that NGOs can apply for their global environmental projects.

  1. Grants or subsidies provided by national organs (e.g., International Volunteer Savings and the system for making donations by purchasing postcards by the Postal Service Agency, NGO Program Subsidies by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
  2. Grants awarded by local public bodies (global environment conservation funds of prefectural governments and ordinance designated cities)
  3. Grants from private foundations and charitable trusts.

Of these sources, projects receiving 1. Grants and subsidies from national organs will be excluded from eligibility for JFGE Grants. In contrast, projects receiving 2. Grants awarded by local public bodies or 3. Grants from private foundations and charitable trusts are eligible for JFGE Grants; however, in these cases, the total amount of the grants cannot exceed the total expense of the project.

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  • NGO・NPO団体情報
  • 集まれ!Green Friends 子供のための環境学習情報サイト
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