Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

The Association for Collecting and Recycling Resources

Examples of Granted Projects

Integrated Coordination of Resource Recycling -JAPAN-

The Association for Collecting and Recycling Resources
President, Shizuko Wada

We Manage the Recycled Milk Carton Mark Project

An elementary school that has installed a box for collecting milk cartons.

The membership of the Association for Collecting and Recycling Resources comprises recycling-oriented companies such as paper manufacturers and citizens. With the objective of literally "collecting and recycling" resources including milk cartons, we are engaged in the coordination of a wide range of projects, such as establishing a recycling channels and developing recycling-related equipment, machinery and products. We are also involved with the management of the Recycled Milk Carton Mark (Pack Mark) project.

We are Conducting Surveys on the Recycling of "Other Paper Containers"

As part of the Japan Fund for the Global Environment Grants Program, we plan to make a booklet introducing cases of recycling "other paper-made containers and packaging (other paper containers)" and hold a symposium. At present, we are visiting local authorities all over Japan for interviews. Other than talking with local government officers in charge of recycling, we have asked to be taken to the stockyards of used paper recyclers to hear the voice of the workers. Access to firsthand accounts of the issue has brought to light the status and challenges of paper recycling and the problems of the Containers and Packaging Recycling Law. We hope to incorporate these valuable voices into the booklet and propose a way that will make paper recycling worth the sedulous workers' while.

Individual Action is the Key to Environmental Issues

Global environmental issues are a tremendously big challenge that cannot be overcome simply with economic logic. Without the involvement of many citizens, the environment cannot be preserved; nor can welfare and local culture. This is a timeless theme that we must always keep in mind.
Although a variety of laws have been made in view of a "sustainable society," they are, on the whole, still inadequate. It is essential for the national government, local government, businesses and citizens to assume a fair share of the risks related to environmental cost. While local governments and businesses have been making some effort, civic movements have, worryingly, lost their vigor (We have heard that many dissolved at the turn of the century.).
In building a recycling-oriented society, the process of establishing an "environment-friendly" lifestyle for a society that cherishes resources is important. "One person can't change anything!" is not the right way to think. We believe that the key is, indeed, in the action of an individual.


The Association for Collecting and Recycling Resources
Address:1-3-4 Koraibashi, Koike Koraibashi Bldg. 4F
Chuo-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Pref.

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