Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Group A: Environmental conservation activities in developing regions by Japanese NGOs

(Total Number of Projects : 205, Total Amount of the Grant: \678,581,000)

No. Name of Organization Project Description Amount Project Site HP Address
1 Assisting the People of Developing Countries The activities for the economical self-reliance of the farmers and for the reservation of the forests in Savannakhet in Laos \2,200,000 Lao http://aiyugo.fc2web.com
2 Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC) Information Sharing & Education on Sustainable use and control of Marine resources(3) \5,780,000 Asia http://www.parc-jp.org/
3 Asia Arsenic Network Research and environmental improvement to drink groundwater pollution problem of Mekong delta \6,000,000 Viet Nam http://www.asia-arsenic.jp/jptop/
4 Asia Volunteer Center (AVC) Mangrove Preservation Project through Planting Local Mangroves in Sarawak, Malaysia \2,284,000 Malaysia http://avc.or.jp
5 Africa Children Education Fund The Self Development Project of Planting Tree and Farmers Community \2,939,000 Kenya http://otasuke21.ho-zuki.com/acef2.htm
6 Community Action Development Organisation (CanDo) Environmental Conscious and Adaptation Skills Improvement Project for Children and Community member for Coping with Climate Change due to Global Warming \1,307,000 Kenya http://www.cando.or.jp/
7 Indonesia Education Promoting Foundation An Activity for the Formation of Recycling-based Society through Utilization of Biomass in Bandung, of Indonesia \2,300,000 Indonesia http://www.baliwind.com/iepf/
8 HUTAN Group After the End of Illegal Ramin Trade, requesting to stop, researching at the using companies for the illegal Indonesian logs including Borneo Ironwood, others and saving to research the swamp forests \2,784,000 Indonesia -
9 Everlasting Nature of Asia Conservation of leatherback turtles at Manokwari, west Papua, Indonesia \3,512,000 Indonesia http://www.elna.or.jp
10 Friends of the Earth Japan Studies and advocacy activities on international aids for developing countries to address climate change which are concerned with Japanese government \4,612,000 Other widespread area http://www.foejapan.org
11 OISCA Afforestation of School Forest and Experience-based Environmental Education in the Northern Part of Thailand (Province of Surin and Khon Kaen) \5,087,000 Thailand http://www.oisca.org
12 Environmental Counseling Association of Nagasaki The Environmental Education Project for High School Students, aiming the Formation of Circulating Society through Effective Use of Wastes \3,300,000 Indonesia http://www.npo-ecan.org/
13 Institute of Environment Rehabilitation and Conservation Encouragement Program on Enhancing Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture for Local Farmers and Elementary School Students in Bangrakam district of Phitsanulok province, Thailand(Phase2) \3,800,000 Thailand http://www.erecon.jp
14 Television Trust for Environment Japan Committee Production and Distribution of a Video Series in Asian Countries for Enhancement of Environmental Education \6,800,000 Asia http://www.tvejapan.org
15 Kiyosato Educational Experiment Project Inc. Environmental Education Project for Youth in Northern Philippines \3,500,000 Philippines http://www.keep.or.jp
16 Kitakyushu International Techno-Cooperative Association Project for the environmental improvement through support enlightenment activities to the citizens by introduction of Cleaner Production (CP) in Viet Nam \3,432,000 Viet Nam http://www.kita.or.jp
17 Marine Wildlife Center of JAPAN Survey of fauna on the marine animals in the Kurile Islands and northern four islands \3,600,000 Northeast Asia -
18 Kids' Asian Union The activation of network of youth environmental education in Northeast Asia through afforestation experience in Mongolia \4,200,000 Mongolia http://www.kids-au.net/
19 Green Purchasing Network (GPN) Research and Promotion of Green Purchasing in Developing Countries \6,200,000 Southeast Asia http://www.gpn.jp/
20 International Center for the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas International Workshop for "Sato-Umi" \2,100,000 International Conferences http://www.emecs.or.jp
21 Japan International Marine Science and Technology Federation The restore of water treatment at urban and offshore Cambodian area from the effect of water pollution \3,200,000 Cambodia http://homepage3.nifty.com/JIMSTEF/
22 International Lake Environment Committee Foundation G8 Students Lake Conference \6,030,000 International Conferences http://www.ilec.or.jp
23 International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME) Restoration of coastal forests for local communities and coastal environment in small islands of Republic of Maldives \4,494,000 Maldives http://www.mangrove.or.jp/index.html
24 NPO People's Institute of Environment Plantation to prevent of sand and salt movement in the former bottom of Aral Sea \3,055,000 Kazakhstan http://www13.plala.or.jp/npo-pie/
25 Non Profit Organization SYANTI YAMAGUCHI A Thai country・ The development practice of the fuel manufacture device for the family fitted to the north Thai area natural circulation-type rest room diffusion \4,404,000 Thailand http://www.shanti-yamaguchi.com/
26 NPO Tancho Protection Group International project for protection of Tancho (Grus japonensis) \3,500,000 International Conferences http://www6.marimo.or.jp/tancho1213
27 21st Century International Cooperation Movement Shimane Executive Committee Ningxia China Desert Afforestation and Environmental Awareness Promotion Activities \1,900,000 China -
28 Committee for encouraging of environmental education instructors by Japanese, Chinese and Korean NPO's Editing and prevailing of participating type guidance book for training of environmental education instructors co-edited by Japanese, Chinese and Korean NPO's \4,000,000 Japan-China-Korea http://www.oizumi.ne.jp/~t-suwa/
29 Non-Profit Organization Japan-China Science and Technology Exchange Association Japan-China Cooperative Studies on the Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring and Assessment at Chinese Cities including Beijing \4,500,000 China http://www13.ocn.ne.jp/~jcstea/
30 Japan Indonesia Orangutan Conservation and Research Committee (JIOC) Making a Strategy of the Forest Conservation and Reforestation Plan at the Habitat of the Wild Orangutan in Indonesia \4,500,000 Indonesia http://orangutan.ld.infoseek.co.jp/
31 Japanese Forum of Environmental Journalists Japan-China Exchange Program for More Action and Journalism for Sustainable Development \3,400,000 China http://www.jfej.org/
32 Wetlands International Japan To hold Symposium and Research about Technology and Culture of Wetlands \4,000,000 International Conferences http://www.wi-japan.org/
33 Japan International Volunteer Center Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Protection in Cambodia through Effective Use of Local Resources \5,249,000 Cambodia http://www.ngo-jvc.net
34 Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development (NICCO) Promotion of Environment-friendly Agriculture in Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Palestine, Middle East \6,700,000 Jordan http://www.kyoto-nicco.org/
35 NPO Association of Japanese Mongolia Friendship Mongolia capital road and roadside tree planting promotion project \1,993,000 Mongolia http://www.mongolia.gr.jp
36 Japan Tropical Forest Action Network Promotion of supply chain management of tropical plywood \2,600,000 Indonesia http://jatan.org/
37 Bird Life Asia Division Conservation and Restoration of Important Water bird Sites in North East Asia Using Cranes as Flagship Species \5,639,000 Northeast Asia http://www.birdlife-asia.org
38 Hunger Free World Fruit Tree Planting in Wakiso District, Republic of Uganda \1,500,000 Uganda http://www.hungerfree.net/
39 Mekong Watch The "Mekong-Japan Exchange Year": Development of Written and Visual Resources on Environmental Issues in Mekong Region \2,867,000 Southeast Asia http://www.mekongwatch.org/
40 NPO Mongolia Ecology Information Center Environmental preservation of Darhadyn Wetland, and the influence investigation which stock-breeding gives to an ecosystem \5,800,000 Mongolia -
41 NPO Yokohama Art Project Rainmaker Project \3,700,000 Kenya http://www.yokohama-artproject.com/
42 Ramsar Center Japan KODOMO Ramsar: Children's Participation in Effective Implementation of the Convention on Wetlands \6,900,000 Asia http://homepage1.nifty.com/rcj/
43 Research Group for Applied Geology (RGAG) The Technical Training on Arsenic Mitigation with Hydro geological Perspective in Bangladesh \2,022,000 Bangladesh http://www.geocities.jp/rgag05/page012.html
44 Nonprofit Organization HANDS (Health and Development Service) Researches and Seminars on the Dissemination of Agro forestry in the West Amazon \800,000 Brazil http://www.hands.or.jp/
Group A :Total Number of Projects: 44, Total Amount of the Grant: \168,490,000