Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Group C: Environmental conservation activities in Japan by Japanese NGOs

(Total Number of Projects: 207, Total Amount of the Grant: JPY 643,164,000)

No. Name of Organization Project Title Project Site Amount
HP Address
1 NPO Conservation of Akame's Satoyama Environmental education in satoyama conservation with collaboration of local council in Nabari region Japan 2,000 http://akame-satoyama.org/
2 NPO e-myoko The extermination of water lily and black bass; the moving of common reed in Imori pond, Ikenotaira; and the papyrus making of the cut common reed Japan 2,000 http://e-myoko.jp
3 NPO Heroines for Environment and Rural Support (HERS) Time for us to make a change by ourselves~Women farmers aim to grow agri products, renewable energy and next generation~ Japan 4,000 http://inakano-heroine.jp/
4 Renewable Energy Network, Ibaraki (REN-i) Human Resources Development for Local Initiative in Renewable Energy Business in Ibaraki Japan 3,200 http://www.ren-ibaraki.jp/
5 ECOPLUS Building a network of Place based Education aiming sustainable society Japan 4,200 http://www.ecoplus.jp/
6 NPO ECOPLAN FUKUI A project for infrastructure construction aim low-carbon traffic by "visualization" of CO2 emissions related to the movement of the individual Japan 4,500 http://ecoplanf.com/xoops
7 Oxfam Japan Policy Research and Advocacy on Africa's Energy Resource Development and its Social Environmental Considerations-Case Study: Northern Mozambique and Japan Japan 4,400 http://www.oxfam.jp
8 Orca.org Team Sakamata Package activities for the marine ecosystem conservation that assumed killer whales and humpback whales as symbols of Kushiro Japan 2,000 http://homepage3.nifty.com/sakamata/
9 Development Education Association and Resource Center (DEAR) Capacity Building for ESD Trainers/Facilitators ~toward Reframing of Teaching and Learning~ Japan 2,500 http://www.dear.or.jp
10 NPO Kanae Project of keeping Seseragi-park Clean Japan 2,800 http://www.geocities.jp/takara_sapo/
11 Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society Research, Advocacy and Information Dissemination to Promote Effective and Reliable Japan's Financial/Technical Cooperation and International System to Address Environmental Sustainability in Developing Countries Japan 3,400 http://www.jacses.org/
12 Citizens Environmental Foundation Through the national network aiming to realize the activities for "sustainable consumption" centering on the environment, enlightenment activities, research (investigation) activities, exchange activities with companies, as well as information provision activities for consumers by using the website and apps Japan 4,500 http://www.kankyoshimin.org
13 Ecological Life and Culture Organization Project for capacity buildings of and interaction enhancement among the youth to develop local community based on circular economy focusing on Satoyama Japan 2,200 http://www.elco.or.jp/
14 NPO Environmental Network Saitama Make the base of our activity for Forest Conservation by Connecting Cities and the Forest Japan 3,200 http://www.kannet-sai.org/
15 NPO Kankyounomori Kochi Promoting environmental awareness through citizen survey in Kochi prefecture Japan 2,000 http://npo-kankyonomori.com/
16 Kiko Network Project to realize Low Carbon Vision 2050 Japan 3,600 http://www.kikonet.org/
17 Climate Youth Japan Establish platform of Japanese youth for proposing climate change policy Japan 2,300 http://climateyouthjapan.org
18 Groundwork Mishima Save the nature and Spring place of home town! Ecology up Project of Mt. Fuji and Sakai-gawa Grand Spring water park Japan 4,000 http://www.gwmishima.jp
19 GLOBE Japan (Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment) Deepening the intelligence of legislatures body to develop green economy based on the idea of sustainable development Japan 3,000 http://www.globejapan.org/
20 Center for the Redevelopment of Pollution-damaged Areas in Japan (Aozora Foundation) ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) from Pollution-Damaged Areas -Gather, Organize and Bequeath the learned information of region- Japan 3,000 http://www.aozora.or.jp/
21 Japan Committee for IUCN Implementing and Supporting the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in global, national and local level. Japan 4,500 http://www.iucn.jp/
22 Japan Civil Network for United Nations Decade on Biodiversity Construction of NGO network for the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity Japan 4,700 http://www.jcnundb.org/
23 Conservation International Japan Sustainable society by mainstreaming natural capital into private sector in Japan Japan 3,400 http://www.conservation.or.jp
24 Sapporo Freedom School "YU" Development of ESD Local Agenda in RCE Central Hokkaido Japan 2,500 http://sapporoyu.org/
25 Sanctuary N. P. O. Investigation about the environmental influence by the big seawall construction along Hamamatsu seacoast. Japan 4,500 http://www.sanctuarynpo.jp/
26 Action against Child Exploitation (ACE) Raising public awareness about issues of environment and child labor in cottonseed production area in India. Japan 2,800 http://www.acejapan.org
27 Japan Renewable Energy Foundation Independent organization/network "Committee for a Sustainable Tokyo 2020" (tentative name) to be established in order to conduct research and evaluation on environmental and sustainable measures to be presented by 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games related organizations and management, and propose necessary recommendations on those measures Japan 5,000 http://jref.or.jp
28 Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J) Evaluation project about promotion of ESD by civil society Japan 2,000 http://www.esd-j.org
29 NPO Simin mirai kyosya Environmental preservation activity of satoyama landscape Japan 2,000  
30 Japan Citizen's Network for sustainable Food and Agriculture (FA-Net) To consider carefully how to protect biodiversity on the local level, and conduct research about GM crops and hold events to raise public awareness, for the sake of food and agriculture Japan 2,400 http://fa-net-japan.org/
31 Japan Endocrine-disruptor Preventive Action Holding international symposium on endocrine disruptive chemicals and research and policy proposals for chemical substances control Japan 3,600 http://www.kokumin-kaigi.org
32 The ECOCON Committee Building a support system for coordination of environmental activities conducted by student environmental activists groups Japan 2,100 http://www.ecocon.info/
33 NO Black-Bass Network (NBN) Considering the conservation of waterside environment and issue of alien species together with citizens and residents Japan 2,000 http://www.no-bass.net/
34 NPO SENTO TARUI Advocacy School Japan 4,000 http://sento-tarui.blogspot.jp/
35 University Consortium Ishikawa Promotion of ESD towards Development of Sound Material Cycle (SMC) Society Japan 3,000 http://www.uci-i.jp
36 PV Owner Network, Japan Contribution to development of reuse market for recycling photovoltaic power generation to the construction of Recycling-based Society Japan 2,000 http://www.greenenergy.jp
37 NPO Regional Renaissance Agency A practical seminar of Renewable energy (micro hydropower) in Gifu Japan 2,400 http://chiikisaisei.org
38 Institute for Local Communities with Sound Material-Cycle Leader education activity of environmental education in local community Japan 2,900 http://www.junkan.org/
39 Regional Future Energy Nara Co-production project of the Nara model with renewable energy promotion Japan 2,000 http://nara-renergy.org/
40 NPO Cyugoku-kankyo-net Action activity by the development of the "farm-village-type bio warm water use system" which made good use of thinning materials and cooperation, the collaboration with the SATOYAMA, SATOCHI area Japan 3,000 https://sites.google.com/site/chugokuknet/o-zhirase/lishihuikaicui
41 Tsuru Environment Forum Plow a rice field with the traditional horse Japan 3,800 http://www.teforum.org/
42 NPO TOKUSHIMA OKARA KOBO Environmental Studies for Elementary School Students and Training Leaders for disaster Preparedness Japan 3,500 http://www.geocities.jp/okarakobo/index.html
43 Tochigi Conservation Corps Creating a new system to overcome the problems of aging and lack of successors, by training and matching young volunteers to the organizations for forest conservation Japan 2,000 http://www.tochigi-cc.org/
44 Nagoya N.G.O. Center Global Environmental Leadership and Sustainability program for the Youth in Tokai area Japan 2,200 http://www.nangoc.org
45 Nijibetu Korokamuinokai Research for Blakiston's Fish Owl Japan 3,600  
46 Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF) Implementation of research meeting to strengthen production and sales structure of goods that utilize non-timber forest product Japan 2,000 http://www.jeef.or.jp/
47 Japan Environment Association Making the Action Plan for Junior Eco-Club Japan 2,000 http://www.jeas.or.jp/
48 The Nature Conservation Society of Japan Publication on enhancement of Protected Area management in global level and developing business plan for Green List initiative in Japan Japan 3,600 http://www.nacsj.or.jp/
49 Wild Bird Society of Japan Gathering information, research, dissemination and advocacy about the way and methodology of the zooning in consideration the bird protection towards the introduction of wind power generation Japan 2,900 http://www.wbsj.org/
50 Sunflower seeds association Promotion of climate change action by the environmental interpreters Japan 1,900 http://himawari.her.jp/wp/
51 Fringe Theater Project Development of Human Resources for Environmental Drama Teaching along with Measurement of its Effectiveness in order for Implementation Japan 3,100 http://www.fringe-tp.net/
52 Scout Association of Japan Learning from the Forest-Education for Sustainable Development Japan 4,500 http://www.scout.or.jp
53 NPO The network of the nursery school in Maebashi Wooden education to a small child and Development of teaching materials Japan 2,500 http://www.mae-hoiku.net/
54 NPO Machinabiya Development and Packaging of "The Environment and Carrier Class" for Children with a Focus on Primary Industry of Environmental Conservation Type Japan 2,000 http://machinabiya.com/
55 MINAMATA FORUM Making of Minamata disease bibliotheca and the Minamata exhibition pictorial record of Minamata disease 60-year commemorative projects Japan 4,000 http://www.minamata-f.com/
56 Pacific Asia Resource Center Development, Use and Diffusion of Environmental Education Material Regarding the Relationship Between Mining Operations and Small Electronic Devices such as Cellular Phones Japan 4,100 http://www.parc-jp.org/
57 A SEED JAPAN Establishment of financial systems for a sustainable society through advocacy, capacity building and international/domestic collaboration by youth Japan 4,000 http://www.aseed.org/
58 Eco future Tottori System construction project to offer environmental change information to encourage actions to prevent global warming Japan 2,000 http://ecoft.org/
59 Eco-League Campus Climate Challenge-Student's campaign for "Sustainability in Higher Education" Japan 2,800 http://www.eco-2000.net/
60 Workshop for Sustainable Community Development of tools to spread the efforts of a simple environmental impact assessment Japan 6,000 http://npo.omachi.org/
61 Ehime Global Network The "Shikoku SDGs network (SSN)" construction project connected with Asia and Africa Japan 4,800 http://www.egn.or.jp
62 OSAKA-UMISAKURA Bond creation between children and eelbrass in OSAKA Bay through trach picking and music festival, Project-"OSAKA-UMISAKURA" Japan 4,800 http://www.osaka-umisakura.com
63 Osaka Natural History Center Workshop Activities to bring up children for Naturalists by enjoying the nature-rich environment on Sanriku-kaigan, bringing up the Pride, and for to keep the memory of the Great East Japan Earthquake from fading Japan 2,800 http://www.omnh.net/npo/
64 Osugidani Nature School Record on the traditional fisher and an environmental education practice toward its succession in Miyagawa-river, Mie Japan 2,400 http://osugidani.jp/
65 NPO Kahokugata Lake Institute Utilization of Carbon-offset to promote maintenance activity of a waterside and the farmland Japan 4,700 http://kahokugata.sakura.ne.jp/
66 NPO Corporation Environment TOKUSHIMA Network Local-led Project, Creation of SHIKOKU (country with great ambitions) and utilization of local natural energy Japan 4,500 http://kankyoutokushima.web.fc2.com/index.html
67 NPO Environmental Network in Yamagata Promotion of Renewable Energy Business Invested by Local Citizens in the Murayama Region of Yamagata Prefecture, Japan Japan 4,500 http://eny.jp/
68 Environmental Presavation Network "Rainbow" Experience-based education action to children from an early age for dissemination of environmental education and for construction of a sustainable society Japan 2,200 http://knet_niji.jp
69 Kitakyushu Institute on Sustainability Women and Gender in Environmetal Activities in Japan : Case studies and platform building Japan 3,300 http://sites.google.com/site/npoksks/
70 NPO Global Sports Alliance The promotion activities of green energy in sports event Japan 2,500 http://www.gsa.or.jp
71 Association of salmon protection Megumi the forest-Appearance of salmon that connects the mountain, river, and sea- Japan 3,400  
72 Sustainability Forum Japan Vision2050, Identified Material Aspects Japan 2,000 http://www.sustainability-fj.org/
73 SANSONJUKU "KASAHARA conservation center", Sustainable community development and emergency restoration in a rural area Japan 3,300 http://sansonjuku.com
74 Jisedainotameni Ganbarokai The activities for the promotion of waste reduction and composting raw garbage towards the recycling-oriented society in the Yatsushiro area Japan 3,800 http://www.ganbarokai.com
75 NPO Shabomdamanokai Project of Environmental Education with the Participant of School Refusal/Developmental Disorder Students Japan 2,000 http://mail.shabondama.org/
76 Institute of Environmental study on Brackish Lake Shinji and Nakaumi Making an examination of plans for the preservation of brackish lakes and taking actions to recover the productivity of Corbicula japonica in Lake Shinji as a typical brackish lake in Japan Japan 1,900 http://wwwla.biglobe.ne.jp/kisuiko/
77 Biodiversity and Children's Forest Campaign Committee Project for development of children's environmental education supporting program and awarding to promote actions for conservation of biodiversity in United Nations Decade on Biodiversity Japan 4,700 http://www.greenwave-net.com/
78 Japanese Association for Water Energy Recovery Integration skill training for community based small hydropower development Japan 3,800 http://j-water.org/
79 NPO Support Center for Sustainable Regional Design Supporting initiative to establish local climate & energy policy by Japanese Covenant of Mayors Japan 4,900 http://www.c-mirai.org
80 Chubu association of bottles operation Research on establishing contemporary bottle-reuse system in restaurants with closed loop at Tokai region Japan 3,100  
81 Tokyo Occupational Safety and Health Center Activity on proposing and spreading counter measures of asbestos aiming to prepare for coming urban disasters learning from two earthquakes Japan 3,100 http://www.metoshc.org/index.html
82 TAKAYASU study group of Japanese rose bitterling Restoration projects to preserve populations of Japanese rose bitterling in Osaka Japan 3,800 http://n-baratanago.com/
83 Hokkaido International Foundation Environmental conservation activities of Onuma Ramsar Convention area by local residents and foreign volunteers Japan 5,100 http://www.hif.or.jp
84 NPO Mansion Owners' Community Power-saving enlightening activities for CO2 reduction Japan 3,000 http://www.npo-moc.or.jp/
85 Toxic Watch Network Activities to disseminate information on chemical substances management to achieve the 2020 goal by use of PRTR data Japan 4,000 http://www.toxwatch.net
86 Akita Nanohana Network Development of environmental education programs for promoting Eco-Town project by young people Japan 2,000 http://www.akita-nanohana.com/
87 AQUA PLANET Enlightenment activity…environmental protection by planting coral Japan 4,500 http://www.aqua-planet.org/
88 Nonprofit Organization Asaza Fund Development and dissemination of environmental education prractice model by The collaboration of NPO-school-community Japan 2,900 http://asaza.jp
89 Art Culture & Technology Laboratory Building of practical programs named "Kizuna with the Earth" on the environmental education modeling the area from Hayachine to Sanriku and formation of people's network. Japan 4,800 http://www.act.jpn.org/
90 NPO ezorock Constructing of ESD platform with NPO whole Hokkaido Japan 3,000 http://www.ezorock.org/
91 OISCA Japan Participatory Approach of Reforestation to promote the Biodiversity of Mt. Fuji Japan 3,000 http://www.oisca.org
92 Oita environmental conservation forum Sustainable wetland ecosystem conservation project to learn from tortoiseshell dragonfly "Building of the ecological network as an indicator of biological diversity" Japan 2,100 http://www9.plala.or.jp/kei_uchida/
93 NPO Ooyamasenmaida Preservation Association Grasp of the situation of biota to live in laurel forest and the spread activity Japan 2,000 http://www.senmaida.com
94 Kasai Rinkai Environmental Education Forum The Kasai Seaside Park Expedition Team Japan 3,100 http://www.kasairinkai.com/tankentai/index.html
95 Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies Multilateral approaches for the shift to sustainable energy society after 3.11 Japan 5,500 http://www.isep.or.jp/
96 Sustainable Management Forum of Japan Research, Development and Promotion on Sustainability-Due-Diligence-Tools for VCM (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) Japan 3,400 http://www.smf.gr.jp/
97 Japan NGO Network for Creating the Capital of Sustainability Make it happen in Japan with our local initiatives: citizens-centered community development for energy generation and low energy consumption through partnership Japan 5,300 http://www.eco-capital.net/
98 Environmental Partnership Council (EPC) Building a Platform of Environmental NGOs to tackle with the Global Environmental Problems Japan 3,200 http://www.epc.or.jp
99 Japan Association of Environment and Society for the 21st Century Supporting project for the improvement of environmental education and policy proposal for specific cities, based on the Revised Environmental Education Promotion Law Japan 2,300 http://www.kanbun.org/
100 NPO Weather Caster Network Development and Promotion of "Making Environment Video Report" Education Program Japan 2,000 http://www.weathercaster.jp
101 NPO Greenwood Nature Experiential Education Center Enforcement of the synthetic youth environmental education work which contributes to the production of an intermediate and mountainous area Japan 1,400 http://www.greenwood.or.jp
102 Green Economy Forum Japan Cooperation Enhancement, Policy Recommendation and Information Dissemination to Promote Green Economy, Sustainable Consumption/Production, and Formulation of SDGs in the World and Japan Japan 4,800 http://geforum.net/
103 Kuroshio Zikkan Center Sustainable Utilization as well as Reassessment of Landscape, Plants and Animals Resources in Asizuri-Uwakai National Park Japan 2,000 http://www.orquesta.org/kuroshio/
104 NPO Koajiro Counsil for Managing Field Activities Cooperative efforts for comprehensive conservation and wise-use of estuary flat and fresh water marsh at Koajiro Japan 2,500 http://www.koajiro.org/
105 Consumers Kyoto Proposal and Action for Minamata Convention on Mercury Japan 2,700 http://consumers-kyoto.net/
106 CSO Network Japan Research on Innovative cases of community-initiated development for sustainability, dissemination of the findings and recommendation based on the finidings within/outside Japan Japan 3,000 http://www.csonj.org
107 NPO Shizukuishi Active Life Network We are wisely using the natural resources of the Ouu mountain range [Southern Hachimantai and Kakkonda virgin Beech forest] for the benefit and enhancement of the local farming village children and urban residents. Japan 2,000 http://sizuiki.com
108 NPO Biotope Mooko, the Association for Nature Restoration Odonata restoration and personnel training in the Mooko-fudo Valley, the UNESCO-Japan Natural Heritage site for the future generations Japan 3,100 http://mo-ko.jp/
109 NPO GENKI Net for Creating a Sustainable Society For Building sound material-cycle areas cooperated and co-created Holding multi-stakeholder meetings about review of acts on recycling Japan 3,600 http://www.genki-net.jp/
110 NPO Sapce fuu Research and study to develop the environment-considered event Japan 3,600 http://www.spacefuu.net/
111 CEPA JAPAN What we can do to conserve Biodiversity " My Declaration" 5 Actions Japan 4,200 http://cepajapan.org/
112 Eco picture diary executive committee Enforcement of an "eco picture diary" project which aimed at the production of an environmental activity platform Japan 4,500 http://www.recycledesign.or.jp/enikki/
113 Japan Network for Climate Change Actions "Selection of effective object and Deployment of Empowerment Program" to encourage people to change action to limit climate change Japan 3,500 http://www.zenkoku-net.org
114 Citizen's Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA) The feasibility study of Japan's CO2 emission reduction in 2030 Japan 2,600 http://www.bnet/jp/casa/index1.html
115 NPO CHIBA SATOYAMA CENTER Chiba SATOYAMA College Japan 2,000 http://www.chiba-satoyama.net/
116 Chubu Recycle Citizens' Organization Project for networking of Charity shops in Japan Japan 3,100 http://www.es-net.jp/
117 NPO Tokushima Conservation Biological Society Collaborative implemantation of Biodiversity Strategy of Tokushima Japan 3,400 http://www.hozen-tokushima.org/
118 Ecosystem Conservation Society-Japan Formulation of the basic grounds of the ecological networks and economic circulation in the central Hokkaido metropolitan area, which have beneficial effects of dispersion of Japanese cranes and waterfowls. Japan 3,300 http://www.ecosys.or.jp
119 NPO Association for Promoting Fiber Recycling We conduct a variety of activities to contribute to the creation of a recycling society by promoting the textile waste recycling Japan 4,700 http://www.fiber-recycle.org
120 NPO Noto-hantou Oraccha-no-Satoyama-Satoumi The inheritance projects of GIAHS "Noto's Satoyama and Satoumi" and the establishment project of the base of collaboration with diverse actors Japan 2,100 http://satoyama-satoumi.com/oraccha
121 Non-profit Organization HOKKAIDO GREEN FUND Promoting low-carbon lifestyle in Hokkaido towards the formation of information center facility for citizens Japan 4,500 http://www.h-greenfund.jp
122 Uonuma-denshukan Build with the formation of the maintenance and sustainable mechanism of the natural environment by the utilization of regional resources Japan 3,500 http://www.uonuma-denshukan.com/
123 River-Sea-Able Hyuuga Conservation of Satoumi: Japanese Murrelet's (Synthliboramphus wumizusume) breeding ground Japan 3,500 http://www.riverseable.com
124 Association of promotion to village of Ijira "Omosshe" sanson light project Japan 2,800 http://www.mitene.or.jp/~ijira/
125 Udon Total Recycling Consortium Udon Total Recycling Project Japan 2,600 http://udon0510.jp
126 NPO ecolifehamamatsu Mottainai Tableware and creation of a system to rental reusable tableware Japan 530 http://ecolifehamamatsu.com/
127 NPO SEIKATSUKOUBOU TUBASA-YU The building of the base of the consideration type community through planning and the hosting of the organic festival Japan 2,600 http://tubas-u.com/
128 The OSAKA Organization for the Promotion of Garbage Reduction Training waste reduction promoters to leader of waste reduction by cooperation Japan 800 http://osaka-gomigen.net
129 Okuamori Kirishima Promotion  of ecotourism to enhance the conservation of Cladopus japonicus in Okuamori Japan 2,000 http://www1.ocn.ne.jp/~okuamori
130 Network for Climate Change Actions Foundation formation activity for small hydroelectric generation in the area Japan 2,000 http://ondanka-boushi.net/
131 HAMAHIRUGAO Network Evacuation activities of coastal plants by regional exchanges of Tohoku and Hokkaido in the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster area Japan 2,000 http://hamahirugao.jimdo.com/
132 NPO Gifu trees and forest school Kayaba establilshment of promotion and circulation type farming of biodiversity by restoring Japan 1,200  
133 ClearWaterProject General Inc. Association Fundraising workshop program for watershed improvement organizations Japan 1,600 http://clearwaterproject.info/
134 Kuwagata(Stag Beetle) Exploration Party City Satoyama- Raising awareness of insect's diversity from Enoki(Celtis sinensis)Valley Japan 500  
135 NPO Sanbanze environment civic center In order to take over the rich natural Sanbanze to the future, Establishment and investigation of the practice of the method of monitoring survey of tidal flats by citizens Japan 2,000 http://www.sanbanze.com
136 Citizens for Renewable Energy Promotion, Takarazuka Renewable Energy Promotion Japan 2,000 http://rept.or.jp/
137 Sui-Do! Network Reduction of single-use beverage packages and Networking for local water consumers Japan 2,000 http://sui-do.jp
138 Living Environment Network C&C Network for activation of the recycling plaza Japan 1,800 http://www.l-env.net
139 Non GM Seed Forum Public awareness activity for protecting diverse seeds, local food culture and agriculture and those fostering. Japan 2,100 http://nongmseed.jp/
140 NPO Valid Utilization of Mount Fuji Weather Station Training program for the young generation through environmental conservation activity and air pollution monitoring at the top of Mt. Fuji. Japan 1,600 http://npo.fuji3776.net/
141 Kagawa Citizens Museum of Natural History Fostering future generations of researchers, who study the natural history of Kagawa Prefecture Japan 934 http://naturekagawa.wix.com/home
142 Association for partnership in Muko River Making of Mukog River Basin and preparations activity of the river-ranger education Japan 800 http://2011muko.jimdo.com/
143 NPO mottainai tsugaru no kai Circulation vegetables in tsugaru project Japan 1,000 mottainaitsugaru.Iina.Net/
144 MORIBIO research institute of living in forest Basic investigation to establish simple and easy, low-cost evaluation technique for the forest ecosystem Japan 1,500 http://www.moribio.com
145 Yanbaru House Save the Yanbaru's Satoyama~Conservation of Dead Leaf Butterfly Resulting Restoration of Yako Community~ Japan 2,300 http://www.ogimi-museum.org/index.html
146 YOUTH RAMSAR JAPAN The activity of YOUTH RAMSAR. That the spread enlightenment practices UN ESD・GAP on RAMSAR SITE. Japan 1,200 https://m.facebook.com/youthramsarjapan?_rdr
147 Fisherman's NPO Investigation of actual conditions of endangered sharks coming over to coastal waters in Japan Japan 2,000 http://homepage2.nifty.com/ryoushi-no-npo/
148 NPO Institute of Ecological Engineering Restoration of seagrass beds damaged by the Great East Japan earthquake in Matsushima Bay Japan 2,400 http://www17.ocn.ne.jp/~e-tec/
149 FIRST ASCENT JAPAN Environmental Restoration Activity at Kinka mountain, Ishinomaki-city, Iwate Japan 3,000 http://first-ascent.org
150 Ishinomaki Tourism Association Environmental rehabilitation and conservation activities in Ogatsu area, Ishinomaki city Japan 2,000 http://www.i-kanko.com
151 Urato Islands where Love and Dreams flourish Learning from Oyster Culture in my beloved islands Japan 2,100 http://浦戸夢の愛ランド.com
152 Iwate Environment Partnership The project which contributes to the revival which can maintain Sanriku regions through practical use of waste cooking oil Japan 3,000 http://www.iwate-eco.jp/
153 NPO The People Project Step Ⅱ for practicing environmental education at field of school and developing industrialization the style of agriculture in consideration for environment with growing organic cotton from Iwaki-city and Hirono-town, Fukushima Japan 3,400 http://www.iwaki-j.com/people/
154 Nakoso Machizukuri Support Center Utilization of Disaster Prevention Green Space as local resources Japan 3,200 http://nakoso.net/
155 Fukushima Community Power General Incorporated Association Project to raise young citizens capable for Eco-city Soma Japan 2,700 http://fcpower.org
156 Minamisanriku Nature Center Fellowship Ecotourism promotion project in Minamisanriku Japan 2,100 http://rias-nature.jp/
157 Moriwa Umino Koibito Activities for rebuilding a local habitation in the Tohoku Rias coast by means wetland-tidalflat restoration Japan 4,200 http://www.mori-umi.org/
158 Africa Japan Forum Collaboration and Advocacy of Japanese NGOs for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Post-2015 Development Agenda Japan 4,200 http://www.ajf.gr.jp
159 Climate Action Network Japan (CAN-Japan) Reinforcement of the cooperation with international and Japanese environmental NGOs for climate change negotiations Japan 6,000 http://www.can-japan.org/
160 Association of sustainable forestry through the use of "forestry household" approach Establish and promote the foundation of sustainable, "forestry household" approach, forestry Japan 8,400 http://jibatsukyo.jimdo.com/
161 Ecotourism Japan For Japan the introduction and spread of international sustainable tourism certification system Japan 8,500 http://www.ecotourism-center.jp/index.php
162 Friends of the forest of the metasequoia Raising, proposing, networking of the middle supporting group in the wildlife management Japan 7,000 http://metamori.org/
163 NPO Archipelago Development of ecotourism taking in cleaning activity and setting up its bureau Japan 700 http://www.archipelago.or.jp
164 Asama Agatsuma Ecotourism Society Lake Nozori environmental preservation activity Japan 1,400 http://ecotourism.or.jp/
165 NPO Arakawa River Clean-aid Forum Cleanup of Riverbed of the Arakawa River Basin and Activities to Promote Public Awareness of Suppressing the Occurrence of Garbage Japan 1,500 http://www.cleanaid.jp/
166 NPO Ibi-River Fresh and Vivacious Water Eco-Station Clean up Project of Ibi-River Basin in Seinou Area and Local Environmental Education in Ibi area Japan 1,500 http://www.ibigawamizueco.com/
167 Umimori Sanukikai Res-Q Helper 2015 in Homeland sea Japan 500  
168 The Japan Environmental Action Network (General Incorporated Association) Holding of Platform Forum and Marine Litter Summit for Promoting Countermeasures to the Problems of Marine Litter Japan 1,200 http://www.jean.jp/
169 Hokoreru Furusato Network 365 Days Beach Cleanup Activities and a Cooperative research of coastal sea with university students Japan 500 https://www.facebook.com/tyurazima365
170 World Oceans Day Japan Local network building through eel grass conservation in Kamakura Japan 1,700  
Group C: Total Number of Projects: 170 , Total Amount of the Grant: JPY 508,264,000