
Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Grants Program

Japan Fund for Global Environment (JFGE) provides grant to Non Governmental Organization (NGO)/Non Profit Organization (NPO) engaged in environmental activities.

If you consider applying for our grant program, please kindly follow the guidance page below carefully.

Eligibility Quiz

Eligibility Quiz
At first, if you are Non-Japanese organizations, please check this quiz!

1. Procedural Flow of JFGE operation

the Fiscal Year 2022

Application period for FY2024 is from November 13, 2023 to December 4, 2023.
Please apply within this period through internet. Otherwise the application cannot be reviewed nor examined.
Also be aware every document must be submitted in Japanese using official Japanese forms.

Procedural Flow of JFGE Operation for the Fiscal Year 2022

2. Guides and Forms

The JFGE Management Council deliberates and examines the applied projects, then decides on the projects to receive the grants along with the amount to be awarded. The grant is awarded only after performing the scheme of the JFGE Grant Policies and Procedures.


Guide Book of Grant Request 2024 (Application period: Nov 13 to Dec 4, 2023)

A Guide to JFGE Grant Request (PDF 914KB)
Japanese Guide(PDF 7.67MB)

Grant Request Forms

submit page (Japanese only)

Guide book of JFGE Grant Policies and Procedures 2024

Guide book of JFGE Grant Policies and Procedures 2024(PDF 2.3MB)

3. Eligibility Quiz

Are you a nonprofit organization implementing environmental conservation activities in developing countries*?

developing countries* : countries which are listed as DAC ODA recipients ;
https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/development-finance-standards/DAC-List-of-ODA-Recipients-for-reporting-2022-23-flows.pdfExternal Link





We are sorry, but you are not eligible for JFGE grant.

Do you have any agent (organization or individual) that has a bank account in Japan and can communicate with JFGE about the project both verbally and writtenly in Japanese?






We are sorry, but you are not eligible for JFGE grant.
Find an agent by yourself and come back here again.

you are eligible for JFGE grant.
See our Grant program and detailed application procedure Here. (A Guide to JFGE Grant Program Request (PDF 914KB))

4. Grant Recipients

5. Examples of Granted Projects


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地球環境基金 Japan Fund for Global Environment

〒212-8554 神奈川県川崎市幸区大宮町1310番 ミューザ川崎セントラルタワー
独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 地球環境基金部
TEL:044-520-9505 FAX:044-520-2192

独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 ERCA

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