
Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page


1. What is the Japan Fund for Global Environment?

1-2. Outline

The JFGE is supported by the government's endowment, individual donation and corporate contributions. The investment gains (interest) and subsidies from the government are applied for the projects that support NGO activities.

The JFGE has two main programs.

(1) Grants Program

Grants are available for NGOs activity to conserve the environment.

(2) NGO Support Program

The NGO Support Program offers support to NGOs involved in activities to conserve the environment and to citizens supporting those activities, through providing information, research and studies, and training for personnel.

To oversee the awarding of grants and other fund administrative duties, a Japan Fund for Global Environment Management Council was established from experts of various fields.



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地球環境基金 Japan Fund for Global Environment

〒212-8554 神奈川県川崎市幸区大宮町1310番 ミューザ川崎セントラルタワー
独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 地球環境基金部
TEL:044-520-9505 FAX:044-520-2192

独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 ERCA

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