
Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

NGO Support Program

Currently, many environmental conservation projects are undertaken by both Japanese and foreign non-governmental organizations, but they are facing not only the shortages in capital but also the lack of personnel with sufficient knowledge and skills to strategically drive the project. In order to tackle this issue, JFGE provides personnel training and useful information to environmental NGOs.

Please be aware these programs are available only for Japanese organizations.


Training is provided for NGO staff who desire to improve their knowledge and skill related to environmental conservation and for people who support environmental conservation projects sponsored by NGOs. In this way, the various needs for personnel development can be met.

(1)Training Course in Japan

Examples: International Cooperation Seminar, Organizational Management Seminar, Cooperative Coordinator Development Seminar, Environmental Assessment Seminar, Nature Conservation Seminar, Satoyama Management Leader Development Seminar etc.

(2) Training Course out of Japan

  1. Short program: Japanese NGO staff members visit various foreign NGOs project sites and interact with local NGO members and exchange ideas mutually.
  2. Long program: People having an interest for environmental conservation and who plan to participate in NGO of environmental conservation activities and interact with local residents in developing regions.

Research and Studies

Research is conducted on common, basic problems that affect both Japanese and non-Japanese NGO projects for global environmental conservation and on examples of solutions and successful projects. Furthermore, research and study of developing regions that may become the basis of information is also conducted .

Information Provision

Results obtained from research and studies are made into a database. Various materials and information are provided to support NGO projects. Furthermore, these materials are available on the Internet and in published reports and newsletters.

Note: At present, these training programs and information are for the people living in Japan and are available only in Japanese.


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地球環境基金 Japan Fund for Global Environment

〒212-8554 神奈川県川崎市幸区大宮町1310番 ミューザ川崎セントラルタワー
独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 地球環境基金部
TEL:044-520-9505 FAX:044-520-2192

独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 ERCA

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