
Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Group A: Environmental conservation activities in developing regions by Japanese NGOs

(Total Number of Projects: 180 , Total Amount of the Grant: JPY 581,213,000)

No. Name of Organization Project Title Project Site Amount
1 Co-Creation Design General Incorporated Association A Project for Creation of Energy Transformation Framework and Environment Master Programme in the Republic of Kiribati Kiribati 2,700  
2 Japan Orangutan Research Center Human resource development and awareness-raising project based on long-term research on orangutans in Danum Valley, Malaysia Malaysia 2,700 https://www.orangutan-research.jp/
3 WILDLIFE PROMISING WILDLIFE Conservation and conservation education to communities at Nkoilale, around Maasai Mara national researve, Kenya Kenya 2,000 http://wildlife-promising.org/
4 Alternative People's Linkage in Asia Networking of the Small Scale Farmers to Promote Environmental Conservation Agriculture and to Foster Leadership of Young Farmers in Negros Occidental, the Philippines Philippines 2,000 http://www.apla.jp
5 HUTAN Group Tropical Forests Conservation of the Areas Pressured by Development in Borneo island, Indonesia, through Creating Alternative Income based on Local Wisdom and Conservation Education for Local Communities, and Establishing the Foundation in Japan for Supporting Them Indonesia 4,500 http://www.hutangroup.org
6 Friends of the Earth Japan Research and policy recommendations for achieving the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Agreement based on climate justice in the Asia-Pacific region. Asia Pacific region 4,400 http://www.foejapan.org/
7 Research Group for Applied Geology; RGAG Environmental education for safe water use in the difficult area for water supply in Bangladesh Bangladesh 3,400  
8 CarFreeDayJAPAN Activities for sustainable rural mobility based on bicycle in Thai Binh of Vietnam Vietnam 2,700 http://www.cfdjapan.org
9 DANKA DANKA Starting up a healthy and regional circulation type of egg production in Senegal Senegal 3,600 http://dankadanka.org
10 LOVE GREEN JAPAN Pass Water and Soil environment in Satoyama Thaha dowm the future generations Nepal 2,200 http://www.lovegreenjapan.org/
11 Conference of Earth Environment from Akita The Climate Change Centre for Sabah contributes to the achievement of SDGs!"Climate change X School Manifesto" Project PhaseⅡ Malaysia 5,600 http://www.ceeakita.org/index.html
12 Eco-Plan FUKUI Fukui and Tanzania's Negawatt Power Station / Power Station Joint Project Japan, Tanzania 3,600 http://ecoplanf.com/
13 Global Environmental Forum Combating Desertification with Herdres in Gobi region,Mongolia Mongolia 5,000 https://www.gef.or.jp/
14 Japan Environmental Education Forum The development&implementation of nature experience programs for biodiversity conservation in the Sundarbans,Bangladesh Bangladesh 4,200 https://jeef.or.jp/
15 Japan Association of Drainage and Environment Activities to Enhance Behavior Change on Sanitation and Form Hygiene
Environment in Urban slums at Khulna City of Bangladesh
Bangladesh 2,400 http://www.jca.apc.org/jade/index.htm
16 Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds Capacity building for conservation of birds and natural environment in Nepal Nepal 6,500 http://www.jspb.org/
17 ICA JAPAN Tree-planting activities served as environmental education for schools in Isinya in semi-desert area in Kenya (Phase 3) Kenya 4,800 https://www.icajapan.org
18 Asia Arsenic Network Project to transfer safe water supply technology for highly arsenic-contaminated areas in Bangladesh Bangladesh 5,200 http://www.asia-arsenic.jp/
19 Indonesian Education Promoting Foundation (IEPF) Learning together in Indonesia- Utilization and Dissemination of Waste banks and Composts Indonesia 4,100 http://www.baliwind.com/
20 The Man of the Rain Forest Foundation (MOF) Save The Orangutan and their Tropical Rainforest -Re-forestation Project in Indonesia- Indonesia 4,600 http://moforangutan.web.fc2.com
21 Share the Planet Association Water-use Efficient Agriculture Practice (WEAP) for adaptation to Climate Change in Kaligonj Upazila under Bangladesh 6,800 http://sharetheplanet.jp/
22 JAPAN HABITAT ASSOCIATION The project to establish the system of environmental education at secondary schools in Luang Prabang Province, Lao P.D.R. Laos 2,800 https://www.habitat.or.jp
23 NGO/NPO Little Bees International Holistic environment conservative actions for biological diversity with a focus on the regions of Nairobi riverbeds and Korogocho community in order to achieve Aichi Targets 1/2/5/14/15 in UNDB Kenya 3,200 http://www.littlebeesinternational.org/
24 Pacific Asia Resource Center Interpeople's Cooperation (NGO PARCIC) Model Formation of Recycle-Oriented Society in Asira al-Shamaliya, West Bank, Palestine Prestina 7,400 http://www.parcic.org/


地球環境基金 Japan Fund for Global Environment

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独立行政法人環境再生保全機構 地球環境基金部
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