
Japan Fund for Global Environment Home Page

Group C: Environmental conservation activities in Japan by Japanese NGOs

(Total Number of Projects: 180, Total Amount of the Grant: JPY 581,213,000)

No. Name of Organization Project Title Project Site Amount
1 Group for the promotion of local economy by planting native plants in Iriomote Restoration of beach and seaweed beds along with enviromental education in Iriomote island: planting of seashiore native species and prevention of sea turtle eat damage Japan 2,700 http://iriomote.image.coocan.jp/
2 Steering committee for renewable energy school in Kakinoki School for developing small hydropower in Kakinoki Japan 1,300  
3 Snow park koide n.p.o Let's protect familiar nature in many generations! Japan 1,194 https://www.sp-koide.org/
4 Setouchinchu Network ①We transmit the charm of Setouchi Town's nature and culture.
②We make effective use of closed schools and abandoned houses in Setouchi Town.
③We utilize leftovers from the hospital for recycling agriculture.
Japan 2,600  
5 Naturalist Network KAGAWA Construction of Shikoku's industry-academia-government-private partnership platform for the realization of a sustainable society Japan 1,300 http://naturalistkagawa.wix.com/naturalist-kagawa
6 NPO Higashiyamato Energy Society Higashiyamato Energy Surbey Team and Promotion of Solar Power System "BIG" Japan 1,300 https://higashiyamato-ene.jimdo.com/
7 Eco Tourism Guide Meeting in Miyazu Seya Saushomo(Saluinia nataus)~Extinct species in Kyoto pre~Conservation activities Japan 500 http://miyazu-et.com/
8 AMAKUSAUMIBU Learn about the marine biodiversity in Amakusa with the goal of SDGs14. Developing human resources leverage advancing technology. Japan 2,700 https://umi-bu.com
9 Ishikari River Basin Wetland Network The small remaining wetland environment and culture in the Ishikari river basin are being protected and nurtured by our network organization. Japan 2,700 https://ishikarigawa-net.com
10 Ishikawa Natural History Center Human resource development project for local environmental learning materials creation and environmental education by citizen participation Japan 2,200 http://www.n-muse-ishikawa.or.jp
11 NPO Echigo-Tsumari Satoyama Collaborative Organisation The Field Museum of agriculture and culture Japan 1,800 http://www.echigo-tsumari.jp/
12 Foster A Goose Program Joint research and awareness raising for conservation of Brent Goose and Lesser White-fronted Goose, the key species under Arctic Migratory Birds Initiative Japan 2,700 http://shibalabo.eco.coocan.jp/
13 Kuroshio Biological Research Foundation Marine biodiversity and conservation project in Ashizuri-Uwakai National Park Japan 2,700 https://kuroshio.or.jp/
14 Setouchi Olive Foundation Utilization of Teshima Island Stained by Illegal Dumping’s historical materials to achieve zero emission on a global scale Japan 1,500 http://www.olive-foundation.org
15 Daisetsuzan Trail Maitenance Club Action for Preservation of Alpine Environment in Daisetsuzan Japan 1,500 https://www.yamamoritai.com/
16 Specified Nonprofit Corporation  College of Work on Earth Management of a school for sustainable forestry and agricultural human resource development, and support for practice after graduation. Japan 2,700 https://chikyunoshigoto.com/
17 Nanashinbo Effective use of forest resources in Meiho, Gujo. Japan 2,300 http://nanashinbo.com/
18 Organization to popularize Japanese farming life Creating the community which can regenerate and conserve the natural environment which is the basis of Japanese farming life Japan 1,700 http://new-ninomiya.com/
19 Earth Company Development of Implementable Eco Measures for your Offices & Operations Japan 2,500 https://operationgreen.info/
20 Ishikawa UNESCO association ESD program development for achieving SDGs in Hokuriku Japan 1,600 https://unescoi.exblog.jp/
21 Empower Shimane Future dialogue with young people Japan 1,800  
22 Oratte Niigata Citizens' Energy Council Professional environmental specialists - Environmental Energy Education Co-ordinators - training program for the future "Low-Carbon City Niigata" Japan 1,700 www.oratte.org/
23 NPO corporation Kitchen Repas Comprehensive environmental education for a needy family and a children affected by the disaster in Kumamoto prefecture Japan 1,330 http://rupa26.wix.com/npo-rupa
24 Citizen’s Energy Tottori A practical and comprehensive environmental education which contribute to revitalization of communities in mountainous areas Japan 2,400  
25 Save Earth Foundation Native species conservation activities in village forest
-Continual implementation of sampling of non-native plants-
Japan 1,700 http://save-earth.or.jp/
26 Non profit organization D・B・C group Environmental protection of Skunk cabbage Japan 1,300 http://www.horokuya.kamicho.jp/
27 Photovoltaic Power Station Network Department of Global Service Regional activation by Urban-type Small-scale Hydroelectric Power Generation at Suisha Shinden in Kobe City Japan 570 http://pvnethyogo.g2.xrea.com/
28 Wakasa collaboration project Learning about development method for micro hydro power Japan 1,600  
29 Earthwatch Institute Japan Coral Reefs of Ishigakijima Island Japan 1,300 https://www.earthwatch.jp/
30 ECO village SHELTER project Forest learning grounds created by everyone ~Satoyama childcare“THE kindergarten in the Forest of Gu-ruri. Japan 2,800 http://shelter.tiny.jp/
31 Network of Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs for a Sustainable Business and Energy Future "Construction and development of the "Future, Person, Work" creation school to bring up the local problem-solution type talented person who utilized Forests, Countryside, Rivers, and Sea." Japan 2,000 http://enekei.jp/
32 General Incorporated Association OshikaLink Environmental Regeneration Project of Oshika Peninsula Oginohama Bay Basin Japan 1,600 https://www.facebook.com/oshikalink/
33 Non profit organization Environment partnership Chiba ESD area leader leading figure upbringing business for achievement of SDGs Japan 1,600 https://kanpachiba.com
34 Specified nonprofit corporation tourism business activity meeting for the study Revival of a coral reef which corresponds to the sea environment of Yaeyama and improvement of the consciousness that a coral reef is defended Japan 3,000 http://kanko-ishigaki.org/
35 Japan Charity Shop Network Project to strengthen networks among charity shop operating organizations in Japan Japan 2,800 http://charityshop.jp/
36 NPO Food-bank shinshu food-bank in Nagano Japan 2,500 http//foodbank-shinshu.org/
37 Yamagata Renewable Energy Network "Yamagada Renewable Energy School 2020" Project Japan 1,500 http://yamaene.net/
38 Nonprofit Organization Asaza Fund Basin networking of establishment and the community business of the consortium for the general maintenance of the Kasumigaura water source Japan 6,000 http://www.asaza.jp
39 Pacific Asia Resource Center Monitoring, education, and advocacy for re-examining electric vehiles, renewable energy and the SDGs from the perspective of mineral procurement Japan 4,200 http://www.parc-jp.org/
40 ikimono inc Education in wild nature Japan 4,400 http://ikimonoinc.jp/
41 Heroines for Environment and Rural Support (HERS) Education for young generation and consumers by agri women to protect beautiful Japanese rural area Japan 3,800 http://inakano-heroine.jp/
42 Mt. Iwate Nature School Natural monument of the town Datura vulgaris protected! Creating a dewanotoneriko thickwood forest that extends from Takahata Plateau Japan 2,000 http://biological-diversity.com/shizen/iwate/
43 Japan Civil Society Network on SDGs Strengthening civil society network and implementing multi-stakeholder process to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Japan 5,400 https://www.sdgs-japan.net/
44 Workshop for Sustainable Community Proposal of sustainability assessment from citizens and implementation of model projects Japan 3,000 http://npo.omashi.org/
45 Mbridge, a non-profit organization Educational activities for ethical consumption Japan 3,800 http://m-bridge.jp/index.html
46 Incorporated nonprofit organization Ooyamasenmaida Preservation association Maintenance activity of the village forest village sea to think about from grasp and there of the influence that typhoon damage gave for ecosystem of the village forest village Sea Japan 2,000 http://www.senmaida.com
47 Specified Nonprofit Corporation Oki Shizenmura Build a system of nature conservation in Dozen area, Oki Islands, Shimane. Japan 2,000 http://www.sizenmura.com/
48 Nonprofit Organization Kahokugata Lake Institute Expanding local industries that promote waterfront conservation by leveraging connections throughout the Kahokugata Watershed Japan 3,000 http://kahokugata.sakura.ne.jp/
49 Institute for Dialogue of Environmental Policy Expanding networks of deliberation on achieving a decarbonized society Japan 4,600 http://inst-dep.com/
50 The Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain Facilitating actions to solve environmental and social issues at farmers in supply chains of Japanese companies Japan 5,800 http://g-assc.org/
51 Shikoku Institute of Natural History Save the Island Bear Project Japan 5,100 http://www.lutra.jp/
52 Association of Natural Energy Co-establishing Organizations "Sustainable Region" aiming at RE100.  Electricity/Heat/Transport x Efficiency/Sharing/Collection Japan 3,600 http://www.neco.or.jp/
53 Jun-namaken, Sustainable Lifestyle laboratory "Local Food Cycling MIWADAI", Aiming for a sustainable society supported by mutual assistance Japan 4,100 https://www.jun-namaken.com/
54 Japan Community Power Association Mechanisms ,cooperation and implementation of participatory global warming mitigation measures by community power projects all over Japan Japan 4,800 http://commutinypower.jp
55 (NPO) Chubu Recycle Citizens' Organization "Nagoya Heart Station PROJECT", an activity to build a regional resource circulation network in collaboration with welfare facilities for people with disabilities Japan 2,600 http://www.es-net.jp/
56 Non-Profiable Organization Tokushima Conservation Biological Society Encouragement to conserve of local biological diversity(CBD)
by popularizing the concept of Certification Schemes for activities of
Japan 2,700 http://www.hozen-tokusshima.org/
57 Garbage Recycling Network Japan Prevention of The Global Warming Japan 2,000 http://www.namagomi-rz.sakura.ne.jp/
58 TAKAYASU study group of Japanese rose bitterling Restoration projects to preserve populations of Japanese rose bitterling in Osaka Japan 4,300 http://n-baratanago.com/
59 JAPAN BEAR NETWORK Bears out in the town:How to get along with an urban bear? Japan 5,100 http://www.japanbear.org
60 Corporation farm and camp and Alternative school for everyone "Creating with Children. Future Earth Project" Practice of SDGs School Activities Japan 4,700 http://min-nano.2-d.jp/
61 Powershift Campaign Committee Power Shift is a campaign that seeks to shift both the corporate power and the electric power in our current society in the hopes of becoming a renewable energy based society in the future. Japan 3,900 http://power-shift.org/
62 NPO Maruseppu Insects Club Build a Bee house in school Japan 2,000 http://www.maru-mushi.com
63 NPO Mori kara tsuzuku michi Project to keep suitable environment for Ooki-tombo (sympetrum uniforme) Japan 2,000 http://morimichi.org
64 Moridukuri Forum Spread awareness and Citizen participation-type operation model practice of Creating forests that increase the biodiversity of artificial forests Japan 2,700 https://www.moridukuri.jp/
65 Toxic Watch Network Japan The dissemination and enlightenment activities on promotion of chemical management actions in the aftermath of the 2020 goals Japan 2,700 https://www.toxwatch.net
66 General Association of Ijiranosato Promotion Association Living with trees Japan 3,000 http://www.ijira.jp
67 Non-Profit-Organization ezorock Personnel training business for possible sustainable community improvement(including disaster)in hokkaido. Japan 4,700 https://www.ezorock.org/
68 Everlasting Nature of Asia To conduct a monitoring research about marine debris in sea turtles and to spread awareness about the problem through activities in a workshop using the debris ingested by the turtles Japan 3,000 https://www.elna.or.jp/
69 Osugidani Nature School Promotion of environment consideration behavior to construction work Japan 2,500 https://www.osugidani.jp/
70 Non profit organization Ohderasu Maintenance of biological diversity of the farm village environment. Japan 4,500 https://www.ohderasu.com/
71 Organization for Future Energy Planning in Okayama Establishing a platform for 100% renewable energy area in Okayama Japan 2,000 http://blog.canpan.info/okayama-enemira/
72 Japan NGO Network for Creating Capital of Sustainability The Development and Trials of Co-creation Program Intiated by Local Residents and Stakeholders for Climate Change Adaptation and Its System Formulation for Disseminating Good Practices Therefrom Japan 4,763 http://www.eco-capital.net
73 NPO Gyobu;Kitakyushu Discoverring someone who lovescreates; the approach to increase the number of people who can detect a crisis of familiar nature. Japan 4,300 https://gyobu.or.jp/
74 Kita no Satohama,Hana no Kakehashi Network Rescue activities through community exchanges of beach plants in the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake Japan 4,400 http://hamahirugao.jimdo.com/
75 Kyoto Environmental Activities Association Sustainable coexistence of residents and tourists through plastic waste reduction activities Japan 2,000 https://keaa.or.jp/
76 Climate Youth Japan Expanding activities and strengthening advocacy work based on Japanese youth's climate change vision Japan 2,200 https://climateyouthjapan7.wixsite.com/mysite
77 Kogai Museum Network Lessons of pollution Universal pollution education Japan 3,800 http://kougai.info/
78 NPO corporation Gokase Nature School Agriculture maintenance activities in Takachiho of World agricultural heritage Japan 3,100 http://www.gokase.org
79 CSO Network Japan Research and development of tool for supporting SMEs to build sustainable local community Japan 4,100 http://www.csonj.org
80 JEAN let's search! Microplastics citizen survey Japan 4,000 http://www.jean.jp
81 NPO Shizuoka Environmental Education Group Investigation into natural experience of the infants period, and implement a model program in a kindergarten. Japan 3,100 http://www.ecoedu.or.jp
82 Japan Youth Platform for Sustainable (JYPS) Launch of the Youth Compact to advance youth engagement in SDGs initiatives,
development of policy recommendations for a new vision/ indicator that would
replace the GDP, and active involvement in educational activities promoting the
Japan 3,500 http://japanyouthplatform.wixsite.com/jyps2
83 Sui-Do! Network National Campaign for Reduction of Single-use Beverage Packages by Spreading Refill Spots Japan 5,300 http://sui-do.jp
84 Japan Endocrine-disruptor Preventive Action Research and policy proposals and obtainment  of public consensus for minimizing adverse effects of toxic chemical compounds to children Japan 3,600 www.kokumin-kaigi.org
85 Nonprofit Organization(NPO) Tateyama Sea Shore Explorers (Tateyama Umibe no Kanteidan) Power up actions for the 「preservation」 and 「promotion」 of Okinoshima sea shore , city of Tateyama in Minami Boso. Japan 5,000 http://www.umikan.jp/
86 Non GM Seed Forum Awareness raising activities about the sustainability of food and agriculture from the perspective of "seeds" Japan 4,400 https://nongmseed.jp/
87 Citizen`s Alliance for Saving the Atmosphere and the Earth (CASA) Feasibility study of Japan's GHG emissions reduction target of decrease by 80% in 2050 and CASA's proposals on political counter measures / establishment cooperative actions among local governments, small and medium-sized companies and citizen Japan 1,600 https://www.casa1988.or.jp/
88 Non-Profit Organization Tokinosunomori Club “Share” forests and satoyama as social goods and aim for sustainable forest conservation Japan 2,500 https://tokinosunomori.com/
89 NPO corporation『DONGURI OUKOKU』 Preserving the Satoyama-Akanma watershed through construction of management system Japan 2,500 http://wwwa.pikara.ne.jp/donguri-oukoku/
90 Nagano NPO Center Youth action for SDGs Japan 3,300 http://www.npo-nagano.org
91 Harenokuni wildlife workshop I'll protect the clear stream where a great salamander lives!
Revival of water and a green corridor by field making of a natural experience
Japan 2,200 http://fine-country.com
92 (One company) home animal network Upbringing, proposal and networking of the support organization in the damage measure of birds and beasts Japan 4,800 http://furusato-kemono.net/
93 More Trees Dissemination of Knowledge and Skills, and Human Resource Development for Regenerating Mixed Coniferous Forest and Broadleaf Forest from Coniferous Artificial Forest Japan 2,800 https://www.more-trees.org/
94 General incorporated association MORIBIO,the laboratory of living in forest Management of the Forest Living School Japan 3,500 http://www.moribio.com/
95 APEX (Asian People's Exchange) Information gathering, networking and diffusion of appropriate technology for effective implementation of environmental activities in developing countries Japan 4,000 http://www.apex-ngo.org
96 NPO Isumi Lifestyle Laboratory The environmental preservation and promotion activities for the biodiversity of the Isumi River basin from Satoyama to Satoumi. Japan 3,400 http://www.isumi-style.com/
97 Action against Child Exploitation Awareness Activity of cotton industry in India to solve environment and social issues Japan 4,800 http://acejapan.org/
98 Specified Nonprofit Corporation Eco-mobility sapporo Enjoyable and comfortable SDGs Community Creative Project Japan 5,100 http://www.ecomobility-sapporo.jp
99 EnVision Conservation Office Creation and diffusion of the procedure to the ecosystem assessment for achieving local SDGs by using GIS. Japan 5,900 http://www.env.gr.jp/
100 Development Education Association and Resource Center (DEAR) Training programs for ESD Coordinators ~ Teaching and Learning to Promote Sustainable development Japan 6,000 http://www.dear.or.jp
101 Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES) Research, Advocacy and Information Dissemination to strengthen action and cooperation among Japan, the UN financial mechanism (GEF・GCF) and initiative (CBIT etc.) toward improvement of transparency and action in developing countries for addressing climate change Japan 3,800 http://www.jacses.org/
102 Platform of Environmental Citizenship TOYAMA Rising awareness of the SDGs and building partnerships to achieve it in Toyama prefecture, Japan Japan 3,600 https://www.pectoyama.org
103 Non-Profit Organization Institute of Ecological Engineering Matsushima Bay Umikko Tazukko Project Japan 2,300 http://www.e-tec.server-shared.com/
104 Center for Environmental  Creative Studies Research on "nudge" application menthod for dissemination and enlightenment of  "COOL CHOICE" Japan 2,500 http://www.kankyosoken.or.jp/
105 Kansai NGO Council Networking  NGO for international development Japan 3,300 http://kansaingo.net/
106 KIKAI institute for Coral Reef Sciences Construction of the platform for coral reef conservation by the community-based initiatives in Kikai island Japan 4,900 https://kikaireefs.org
107 Kiko Network Designing and disseminating de-carbonation vision for achieving the goals of Paris Agreement Japan 4,100 http://www.kikonet.org/
108 Groundwork Mishima Regreen our nature! Turnaround project of "Millennium forest along the Matsuge river" Japan 3,200 http://www.gwmishima.jp
109 Japan Committee for IUCN Contributing post Aichi Targets framework through aggregation and publishing of civil society’s efforts during UNDB. Japan 5,200 http://www.iucn.jp/
110 Sapporo Freedom School 'YU' Improve the adbocacy of NPOs based on SDGs and promote inter-sector dialogue Japan 2,200 http://sapporoyu.org/
111 No profit organization Shabomdamanokai Project of Environmental Education with the Participant of School Refusal/Developmental Disorder Students Japan 2,000 http://npo-shabondama.pepper.jp
112 NPO Sento-Tarui Practices and creations of local advocacy models, targeting to realize sustainable and conprehensive local environmental governance Japan 3,200 http://sento-tarui.blogspot.jp/
113 Non-profit organization Regional Renaissance Agency Management support for a practical seminar of Renewable enagy(micro hydropower) rooted in local communities Japan 2,400 http://chiikisaisei.org
114 (NPO)Machinabiya Development and diffusion of “The Environment and Carrier Class package”
Teachers from all over the country can easily and The image of the work of the environment spreads
Japan 2,000 http://machinabiya.com/
115 NPO Forest Life Establishing a model of community revitalization through satoyama activities by citizens Japan 2,800 http://morinoseikatsu.org/
116 Ramsar Network Japan Accelerating Rice Paddy Biodiversity Enhancing Decade Project (RiceBED Project) based on Ramsar Resolution X.31, and CBD Decision X/34 and Developing Revised New Rice-Paddy Targets Integrating SDGs and Promotion of Related Activities Japan 6,000 http://www.ramnet-j.org
117 Japan Alliance of Responsible Travel Agencies Sustainable tourism for development Japan 6,000 https://www.jarta.org/
118 Sekisei Lagoon Coral Reef Fund Building the local eco-certification system to conserve and restore the coral ecosystem affected by compound stress in the Yaeyama district Japan 6,000 http://www.strata.jp/sangokikin/
119 Tokushima Regional Energy, General Incorporated Association The woody biomass regional alliance that protect the environment by the heat utilization coversion and leads to the future. Japan 6,600 http://tene.jp
120 Climate Action Network Japan (CAN-Japan) Advocacy and Dialogue on Japan's Climate Policy to Achieve the Paris Agreement Goal Japan 5,100 https://www.can-japan.org/
121 Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation(JANIC) HAPIC(Happiness Idea Conference),an annual conference with all the stakeholders on international cooperation Japan 4,000 https://www.janic.org/
122 NPO Kyushu-ecofarmers-center (KEF) Kumamoto Earthquake Revitalization activity in area Japan 3,400 http://www.facebook.com/minamiasofurusatofn
123 Non-profit organization "the people" From Fukushima to the next generation & overseas! The project to connect feelings with organic cotton Japan 2,300 http://npo-thepeople.com
124 Hamanone Assosiation Attempt to live with hated deer Japan 3,700 https://www.hamaguridou.com
125 Futaro Fund for Forests (FFF) Creation of pesticide-free and pesticide-free local farms and practical "food education" courses for disaster victims Japan 1,500 http://futaro.org
126 NPO Michinoku Trail Club Michinoku Coastal Trail spread enlightenment Japan 4,400 https://m-tc.org
127 Forest Seawall Association Tree Planting Festival at The Millennium Hope Hills Japan 3,596 http://morinobouchoutei.com/
128 Sustainable Sport NGO and NPO Network Advocacy and practical activities on sustainability issues for Tokyo2020 Games by SUSPON(Sustainable Sport NGO and NPO Network) Japan 4,500 https://suspon.net/
129 Nippon Ocean Education and Sports Development Association Let's make beautiful sailing venue!
Enoshima Eco Project 2020 to deepen understanding of natural environmental activities
Japan 4,800 https://www.oceansport.jp/
130 Nonprofit Organization Archipelago Study drifted trash in rivers to have beautiful Seto Inland Sea Japan 1,900 http://www.archipelago.or.jp
131 Spirit of Sailors Ocean Collage Japan 1,000 http://spiritofsailors.com/
132 All Japan River Litter Network Project to Raise Awareness for the Reduction of Plastic Waste Japan 1,000 http://kawagomi.jp/
133 DEXTE-K TOKYO SATOUMI-AID From NISINAGISA Japan 1,100 http://www.dexte-k.com/
134 Munakata fes. CSR Promotion Executive Committee Ocean plastic recycling environment Learning project Japan 1,900 http://miare.jp/
135 Nonprofit organization Joylife SAYAMA With the Children the Future and Dreams of the environment Japan 600 http://www.joylife.or.jp
136 Non Profit Organization Notohantou-Oraccha-no-Satoyama-Satoumi Establishment of sustainable activities to achieve both the environmental conservation and the culture succession in Noto’s Satoumi Japan 1,800 http://satoyama-satoumi.com/oraccha
137 Nonprofit Organization partnership Office Clean-up and Workshop for solving the problem of Marine Litter by University Students Japan 1,200 https://npo-po.net
138 Miyagi Environmental Out-reach Network Let's reduce marine debris on the beach of Miyagi Japan 700 http://www.melon.or.jp/melon/
139 Kusunoki native world Activities related to environmental education and environmental conservation Japan 900 http://www.kusunokisizenkan.com
140 KOBE UMISAKURA Beach clean-up of Suma coast Japan 1,400 http://k-umisakura.com/


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